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HomeHealth & FitnessCow Milk Vs Buffalo Milk | गाय का दूध vs. भैंस का...

Cow Milk Vs Buffalo Milk | गाय का दूध vs. भैंस का दूध

Cow milk is eaten worldwide and considered healthy। It provides calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and protein The development and maintenance of strong bones, muscle growth, and general good health are dependent on these nutrients

Cow milk is better than buffalo milk in terms of nutrition। If you are unsure about what kind of milk to choose, continue reading as we explain why cow milk may be the best option

Buffalo milk is good for healthy bones since it has higher calcium and phosphorus levels. Conversely, cow’s milk is frequently considered easier to digest because of its distinct protein structure and reduced lipid content. Cow milk is relatively more fluid than buffalo milk, which has a thicker consistency because buffalo milk contains less water.

Top consumers and producersBuffalo milk is popular in South Asia (India, Pakistan) and Italy.Cow’s milk is consumed all over the world, including regions that also consume buffalo milk.
Calories237 (1 cup, about 244g)148 (1 cup, about 244g)
Total Fat17g (26% daily value) (in 1 cup)8g (12% daily value) (in 1 cup)
Saturated fat11g (55% DV)4.6g (22% daily value)
Sodium127mg (6% DV)105mg (9% DV)
Total Carbohydrate13g (4% DV)12g (4% DV)
Dietary fiber0g0g
Protein9.2g (18% DV)8g (16%)
Vitamin A9%7%
Health benefits

Buffalo milk has more total solids than cow milk 100 grams of buffalo milk contains 100 calories, while 70 grams of cow milk contains 70 calories। Buffalo milk contains less cholesterol (total cholesterol 275 mg and free cholesterol 212mg per 100 g of fat) than cow milk (total cholesterol 330 mg and free cholesterol 280mg per 100 g of fat)। Buffalo milk strengthens bones, teeth, cardiovascular health, and weight gain।

Cow milk keeps bones, teeth, heart, and thyroid health healthy।

  • Compared to buffalo milk, cow milk’s fat and protein are easier to digest.
  • Additionally, there are more vitamins and minerals in cow’s milk.
  • For Children buffalo milk is harmful; only cow milk, when it isn’t their mother’s milk, is beneficial. The high-fat content of buffalo milk is indigestible for small children. Their indigestion is the cause of their diarrhea. The ability of the lipids in cow and buffalo milk to be digested is different. Cow ghee is easier to digest because it has a higher percentage of soluble and volatile acids.
  • Cow milk is easier to digest, and patients benefit more from it than from buffalo milk.
  • Cow milk helps children develop intellectually.
पोषक तत्व (Nutrients)गाय का दूध(Cow’s milk )भैंस का दूध(Buffalo’s milk)
प्रोटीन वसा (Fat)3.2-3.3%3.5-4.5%3.8-4%6-7%
राख सामग्री (Ash content)0.72%0.82%
विटामिन ई 2.1/100 मिली5.5/100 मिली
विटामिन सी 0.94/100 मिली3.66/100 मिली
विटामिन ए0.14/100 मिली0.12/100 मिली
फास्फोरस डेली वैल्यू (DV) का 29%डीवी (DV)का 41%
मैग्नीशियमडीवी(DV) का 6%डीवी (DV)का 19%
कैल्शियमडीवी (DV)का 32% डीवी (DV)का 21%

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